Tuesday, December 3, 2019

You paid per click now what? Presented by seo expert in lahore

Once a week, I met with our VP of Marketing and our Brand Management team to review what's happening in the digital world of Sharp Spring, Inc. We've carefully labeled our standing invitation from the meeting "Are you broken down with PPC? What answer should always be, "Yeah, you know me. Our seo expert in lahore has a mission to teach the peoples

It's our way of making data fun. You have your hobbies and your interests, and we have that. Do not judge. I came from an agency context, where these types of status updates were commonplace, and from time to time causing panic if it had been awhile since we updated our connected Excel-spreadsheet to an Access database, rotated beyond any recognition report and the client rang randomly. What amounts to years of employee-level entry time has been spent pulling data from Google AdWords, removing excess columns, and simply rearranging it into another document and getting information about it. What’s really going on with our marketing dollars?

Enter marketing automation

Marketing Automation has a unique ability to show you end-to-end ROI for every campaign you run, paid or unpaid. Although this information can be accessed by aggregating platforms such as Google Analytics, Magneto, Call Rail, or other providers, the result is a messy report that often includes duplicate data and/or that may be missing. Data and prospects. The production of such a report also spends a lot of time.

A marketing automation platform not only can combine all this data into a single platform, giving you a complete overview of what works and what needs to be delivered, but it also tracks your prospects as they go along. As they move through your site and can send them targeted communication at exactly the right time.

When two amazing platforms collide

As a digital marketing manager at Sharp Spring, one of the features I found most valuable in our platform is the ability to track our links through marketing automation with Google AdWords. With this, I can track my AdWords campaigns to the keyword level to see what gets converted to leads, sales, and the exact value of the sale that is entered. The linking process between AdWords and Sharp Spring is as easy as entering a customer ID in Sharp Spring, granting access to AdWords and adding a quick tracking setting at both ends. When AdWords changed to final URLs and tracking templates, this made additional tracking of all campaigns even easier.

Crush Your Optimizations

Once you have synchronized your data into a marketing automation platform, you can quickly and easily identify the keywords that drive the most traffic, spend the most, and drive the most leads. A good first step when starting optimizations is to sort by spending in Sharp Spring, then see which keywords cost a lot of money in a specific time period, but have not resulted in leads. From there, you can focus on these keywords in the AdWords interface. Sometimes it's just a matter of extracting a search query report to see what research has triggered that keyword and adding negatives where it makes sense. If you think your negative keyword set is strong enough, then it might be better to pause this keyword if it's overhead and underperforming.

When your data is married in one place, it's easy to sort by what you think is important. Sales data is crucial information for any business and, with integration with Sharp Spring, you can see which keywords generate the most sales and do not reduce it. If you work on a limited budget, this type of information is extremely valuable. One way to get the most out of a limited budget is to move your high-performing keywords into a single campaign and spend most of your budget on that campaign.

Take it even further

Combining your AdWords account with your marketing automation platform is the first step to getting the most out of your PPC campaigns. Using deep data to optimize your PPC campaigns will give you the most qualified prospects and get the most out of your budget. Beyond that, use your marketing automation platform to send personalized messages to your prospects based on their interaction with your site and their purchase process to move them into the pipeline.

The use of marketing automation for lead breeding is a crucial aspect We have covered a previous blog, but if you are interested in knowing more about how to move prospects through the sales funnel after Whether you've captured them by PPC, or if you're wondering how to get them clicking on your ads to get started, be sure to join our webinar Tuesday, May 17, co-hosted. For more information click on seo expert in lahore.

In this webinar, we cover how:

·         Write a copy of the ad that converts customers
·         Drive sales to a keyword level to see exactly what's working and what's not
·         Use fundraising campaigns and workflows to stay on top of your prospects

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