Monday, October 28, 2019

Can we create a Domain with or without www? Described by Digital marketing services in Lahore

Often, to access a website, the URL includes www. Before the second level domain name (ex: This is however not systematic and many sites are accessible without the www (ex: Digital marketing services in Lahore have a mission to educate the people.
Reminders about the origin of these www and their implications, especially in terms of SEO.

What are the www in an internet address?

Technical memorandum on the functioning of domain names

A domain name matches a sequence of humanly memorable characters with IP addresses, which computers use to communicate with each other.

A domain name is usually composed of a top-level domain (the extension: .FR, .COM, .NET, .ORG, etc.) and a second-level domain (prodomaines in the case of

It is possible to add a large number of subdomains to each domain (up to 127 for the same host, up to 253 ASCII characters). Wikipedia thus uses a third-level domain for each language (eg for the French version, for English, for German, and so on). Each subdomain makes it possible to create an additional correspondence between a humanly memorable address and an IP address.

When a domain or subdomain (regardless of its level) is associated with an IP address, it is called a host. Hosts are declared in the DNS zone file of a domain name.

On the technical side, "www" is a subdomain like any other: is a subdomain of However, and return to the same IP address when they are polled by the HTTP protocol, that is to say the one of the web. The site is therefore accessible by both addresses.     

A little history of the web

If many sites work this way, this has not always been the case. The web (websites accessible by the HTTP protocol) is not the only use of the internet. Historically, the www subdomain (for "World Wide Web") was simply assigned to the website associated with a domain name. Most sites followed this rule ( and were not accessible by another host, including the second-level domain directly (ex:

Subdomains often indicate the type of service provided by the host. For example, and are mail servers, will allow FTP connection...

The use of domains without specifying "www" for the web has spread over time, as has the practice of entering second-level domains directly into the address bar to visit a site. There is no longer any "standard" dictating that a website must be on a host of type

But suddenly, what shape to choose?

On a technical level, it's the same: both forms require the same type of configuration. None confers any particular advantage for SEO.

The choice is to be made according to the image that the address of the site must bear.

Nowadays, rather corporate or institutional sites of large organization rather use the form with the www, probably to clarify that it is about the web site of the company.

Conversely, small structures, start-ups, intangible services are rather represented by sites whose field is short, without www, thus working the purified aspect of their communication and their products. For more useful info Digitalmarketing services in Lahore.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Why choose emailing? Posted by SEO institutes in Lahore

If emailing converts new followers each year, it's because its use is advantageous in every way. SEO institutes in Lahore wants to guide the peoples.


With a cost of less than 1 cent per email sent, the absence of printing costs, and the possibility of using templates (also called templates) free for design, emailing is a cheap means of communication.

Cost effective even on small volumes

Emailing remains a profitable solution, even on small volumes. The fixed costs are so low that an email-marketing strategy can be considered from the first email addresses collected.

Why choose emailing? Posted by SEO institutes in Lahore

Easy to make

Knowing how to code is not necessary to achieve an emailing because most emailing software, including Mail Chimp, offers free templates extremely well done that require very few changes. It is also possible to use the "drag and drop" module, which allows you to create your own emailing templates without specific computer skills.

Quick to set up

Unlike other types of direct marketing campaigns, an emailing campaign can be completed in less than two hours. Take the example of a paper campaign: because of the unavoidable time of printing, enveloping, and sending, it takes several days between the creation and receipt of the message. This is not the case with an emailing campaign that, once created, arrives almost immediately in the mailbox of your recipients.


When we see a product or information on paper that might interest a member of our entourage, we could take a picture and send it by mms. But few of us do it. On the other hand, we frequently transfer an email.

Easy to analyze

Not only does emailing allow you to know the behavior of your recipients in relation to your campaign (click, share, unsubscribe rate), but it also allows you to have immediate results.


Email marketing allows you to personalize the message (name, first name, date of birth, product featured, percentage discount ...) at no additional cost. No other means of communication allows you to personalize the message as simply for such a low price.


Thanks to call-to-action, a well-structured email can quickly take the recipient to your website. And if your site is well done, the visit can just as quickly turn into a purchase. For more info click on seo institutes in Lahore.

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Thursday, October 17, 2019

TIPS FOR YOUR EMAILING NOT TO SPAM Posted by SEO training course in Lahore

SPAM or junk mail: do you know this part of your mailbox, the one where nobody ever goes? Being considered as spam is the biggest fear of any emitter of emailing campaigns! This means that our campaign will not be read whatever happens ... so that all our efforts will have been useless! SEO training course in Lahore wants to guide the Peoples.

TIPS FOR YOUR EMAILING NOT TO SPAM Posted by SEO training course in Lahore

So what are the criteria to respect to avoid being considered spam?
The 2 ways to be identified as spam

1) The spam filter of your mailbox has automatically classified your email as junk
2) Your recipient has flagged you as spam by clicking on the "Report as spam" button.   

How can my emailing pass the spam barrier?

 For each email, a score is attributed to you by the anti-spam filters. If your score is bad, you will go into spam. These filters are set up by Internet service providers (Orange, Free ...) and by webmail (Gmail, Outlook ...). It is therefore necessary to pass through the cracks of these filters to be able to reach the mailbox of the recipients. Here are the important criteria to take into account to cross this barrier!

 The sending domain and reputation of your IP address

Choose with great attention your email provider. If the domain name and IP address they use are blacklisted, your mails will not arrive at their destination. Their reputation depends on your history.

The subject of your emailing              

Your subject is the first thing the recipient of your email will see. That's what will make it open your email or not. Here are the few rules to follow:

Avoid the highly commercial vocabulary: "win", "free", "50%", "promotion”...
CAPITAL letters are to be banned, except for the first letter
Pay attention to special characters (€, £, $ ...) and punctuation and its repetition (!!!,??? ect)
These 3 points are characteristic of a spam email. You have never received an email with an item like "PROMOTION: 20 € less on your stay !!! "?

The best object is the one that describes the content. It's up to you to do it in a way that makes your recipient want to know more!

The content of your emailing

Your content is also very important to avoid falling into the bottomless pit of spam! Here is the information to include in your content in order not to fall:

Specify your address, phone and any other contact that allows you to identify yourself and prove your authenticity with the filters.
Do not create your content as an image. The images are not readable spam filters, they are more suspicious on this category of emails.
Do not use too many photos. The image / text ratio is an important factor for spam filters.
Include for each of your images an alternative text. Internet users do not always have access to images, especially from a mobile.
Avoid talking about very commercial topics like an amazing find, a guaranteed refund, an emergency, a lot of money.. Click on seo training course in Lahore read more.

What is Pogo-sticking? Posted by Digital marketing company Lahore

The term pogo-sticking is used in the field of the web to designate the action of a visitor who leaves a web page and clicks successively on each link of it but always comes back to the starting page using the button "back" of the browser. In this way, the user navigates between the pages by making round trips from the start page. Digital marketing company Lahore wants to guide the peoples.
The concrete example of a use of this method is that of a user looking for information on a category page and who will click on each sub-section to see if it is the page he is looking for. The user returns to the category page if the subtopic does not match his search. In terms of ergonomics, such an example clearly demonstrates that the category page does not contain the information that forces visitors to click on all the links.

Pogo-sticking in the field of SEO

In SEO pogo-sticking is a term that refers to the action of a surfer who comes and goes on a search engine result page to open several results of the same search. The user returns to the result page if he does not find a relevant result and clicks on another result. And so on until he finds the information he is looking for.
Clearly, this means that a user on Google can click on a search result, but if the page does not answer his search he can click on the "back" button of the browser and try to click on another result. He can go back and forth between Google and the result pages until he finds the information that interests him.
It is possible for Google to record clicks to find out when the user found the information he is looking for. In this way, the search engine can change the way it classifies web pages to provide the most relevant results possible.

Origin of the word

The pogo stick is a toy commonly called "stick jumper" in French. It is a mounted stick equipped with footrest and a large spring (or compressed air) that allows rebounds in the manner of a kangaroo. For read more digital marketing company Lahore.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Learn how to create your Simple table with HTML5 and CSS3 Posted by Professional SEO Company in Pakistan

Necessary to organize the information, the tables are a little tricky to build in HTML: that explains that I present them only now. It will indeed be necessary to nest new HTML tags in a specific order. ProfessionalSEO Company in Pakistan wants to guide the bingers.

We will start by constructing basic tables, then we will complicate them as we go: merging cells, dividing into multiple sections ... We will also discover the CSS properties linked to tables, which will allow us to customize their appearance.
A simple table

A structured table
We learned to build small simple pictures. These small tables are sufficient in most cases, but you will need to make more complex tables.
We will discover two particular techniques:
·         For large paintings, it is possible to divide them into three parts:
·         On your mind ;
·         Body of the board;
·         Foot of table.
·         For some tables, you may need to merge cells together.
·         Divide a big painting
·         If your table is big enough, you will be interested in cutting it into several parts. For this, there are HTML tags that define the three "zones" of the table:
·         The header (at the top): it is defined with the tags <thead> </ thead>;
·         The body (in the center): it is defined with the <tbody> </ tbody> tags;
·         The foot of the table (bottom): it is defined with the <tfoot> </ tfoot> tags.
·         What to put in the foot of table? Generally, if it's a long chart, you copy the header cells to it. This allows you to see, even at the bottom of the table, what each of the columns refers to. Schematically, a table in three parts is thus cut out as illustrated.
is a bit confusing but it is advisable to write the tags in the following order:
  • <    Thead     >
  • <     Tfoot     >
  • <     Tbody   >

In the code, we first inform the top part, then the bottom part, and finally the main part (<tbody>). The browser will display each item in the right place, do not worry. Here is the code to write to build the table in three parts:
It is not mandatory to use these three tags (<thead>, <tbody>, <tfoot>) in all tables. In fact, you will use it especially if your table is big enough and you need to organize it more clearly.
For "small" tables, you can easily keep the organization simpler than we saw at the beginning.
3, 2, 1 ... Fusioooon!
In some complex tables, you will need to "merge" cells together.
An example of a merge? Look at the table in the following figure, which lists the films and who they are talking to.
       A table containing movie titles and their audience
A table containing movie titles and their audience
For the last movie, you see that the cells have been merged: they are one. This is exactly the effect we are trying to achieve. To merge, we add an attribute to the <td> tag. It should be known that there are two types of fusion. Click on Professional SEO company in Pakistan.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Social networks and its Uses Presented by SEO course in Lahore

Social networks have a well-defined place within companies because they provide a large number of means of communication.

Whether it's posting a corporate event on Facebook or bringing together a few employees who are geographically distant for a Snapchat meeting, the diversity of media offered by social media makes business communication extremely easy. SEO coursein Lahore wants to guide the people.

Yet today opinions on the usefulness of these networks are still mixed.

For example, Facebook, LinkedIN, Google+, are considered, by many, as fashion phenomena, by others as a space of conviviality, or a waste of time.
While the initial goal of many social networks was to allow young people to share photos and share comments, it has quickly changed and its use has diversified.
At the beginning, social networks were an opportunity for young people to create events, discuss classes and even create group messages. It's in the same spirit that companies started to resort
to social networks as an internal and / or external communication tool, free of charge.  

Social networks and its Uses Presented by SEO course in Lahore

Some significant figures
But in France what is it really about the use of social networks?

With a population of approximately 66 million, France has more than 54 million internet users, representing 83% of the population. Each user spends an average of 5 hours per day browsing the internet (about 1 hour via mobile and more than 4 hours via computers) with 1 hour and 30 hours dedicated exclusively to social networks. 85% of active profiles on the internet have an account on these networks (Facebook, Google+, Linkedin etc.). Facebook alone has 28 million subscribers, or 42% of Internet users. These figures reveal the importance of social networks in our daily lives.     

What significance can we give to social networks?

Let's start with the etymology of these two words:
- Network, from the old French floor "net", intersecting...
-Social / social socialist Latin "sociable" relative to allies / companions.
(Source [Little Robert]).
Wikipedia treats the topic social network as the form of a set of entities, such as individuals or organizations, linked together by links created in social interactions.
But to give "social networks" all their meaning, we must associate the term intelligence, which means: ability of an individual to connect things together.
Combining technology with our ability to build interpersonal relationships is the secret!

How to use social networks in business

Rather than asking whether RS ​​is a pure fad or a "virtual" relationship model to avoid, or simply a waste of time impacting business productivity, it is more appropriate to consider social networks as a a work tool that can really help us; use them as an innovative vector of competitiveness for our personal image and our professional activity on the web.
Let's be clear, in the current context there is no more time for pessimism, we must play the card of the collective synergy, and we have no excuses with the opportunities of links that we can weave through to these communication tools.
Let's base our relationships on trust and do not be afraid to get in touch with other professionals via social networks, get out of our shell, go to others, it represents a real wealth in "time of crisis". By seo course in Lahore for read more.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Top 5 digital and Social Media Marketing Companies

Digital Media Line

What is CTR in Google AdWords? Top 5 Digital Marketing Companies in Digital Media Line is the Top 1st Digital Marketing Company.

Do you want to do inbound marketing with digital presence? If so, then choose Digital Media Line! By maintaining the minimum budget, this agency helps improve the return on investment and key performance indicators of its clients. This agency claims to cover every digital dimension to make your brand present everywhere.

The big customers they are dealing with so far are Adidas, Colgate, Tapal, EFU Life Insurance and others. They are experts in designing award-winning campaigns that include digital content and creative marketing as well as effective digital marketing strategies.

     Top 5 digital and Social Media Marketing Companies

SMM Company

SMM Company Digital built up in 2016 and right now upsetting the scene of computerized advertising in Pakistan. This computerized advertising organization enhances its assets so that your speculation will constantly justified, despite all the trouble. SMM Company Digital offer important substance to chip away at situating your image and encourages you to arrive at your potential clients.

SEO Tuition

The Lahore based computerized advertising office SEO Tuition is known for giving their customer's rivals an intense time and indeed, they truly do that! They watch out for their customer and the customer's rivals and improve the work by placing in their most extreme exertion. The intriguing thing about this office is that they sell total advanced advertising administrations including, SEO, PPC, Content Marketing, App Development, and so forth. SEO Tuition is a center point of 360° showcasing which gives a wide range of administrations that make your item a BRAND. The organization accepts each undertaking as it was their first and gives them equivalent significance, time and vitality regardless of how huge or little it is.

Local SEO Company

Group is the parent organization of LocalSeoCompany, working in Lahore since 2003. Balance Digital is one of Pakistan's driving media organization which professes to be the pioneer of advancement and innovativeness. It is one of the most seasoned advanced showcasing office of Pakistan that purchased a computerized upset in the publicizing business. Evenness Digital has done some extraordinary activities that break all provincial and worldwide records. This organization got consideration by winning the Gold Award of being a standout amongst other computerized advertising office in Pakistan in 2017

seo company lahore

This Lahore based advanced showcasing organization, seo company lahore built up in 2006 and considered as extraordinary compared to other computerized advertising offices of Pakistan. The group of Professional SEO Company in Pakistan dependent on 100+ imaginative personalities. Their assorted customer portfolio says a great deal regarding their prosperity. The rundown of brands they worked with incorporates Google, Nestle, Dell, Pepsi, Coke, and numerous other national and worldwide brands. For read more click on SEO Training Lahore.



Friday, October 11, 2019

Does the change in the DNS level affect natural referencing? Social media marketing services

1. Edit a DNS record, pay attention to TTL

The redirection of a domain name to the corresponding web server often involves the creation of a type a record (IPv4 address). Record A will then direct traffic to the IP address of the destination web server. Changing this record may cause performance issues. Social media Marketing Services wants to guide the peoples

Indeed, to optimize the response time, the DNS system allows the caching of information with resolving DNS servers for a given duration, the duration of the TTL (Time to live) defined by the technical manager of the domain name, when of the configuration of it. The usual TTL, as recommended by the ANSSI, is several hours for conventional uses of domain names (websites). In the case of a modification of a record A, it could thus be taken into account only at the end of the TTL. Users could therefore access the old recording configurations for a few minutes or even hours after the changes.

It is therefore important to reduce the TTLs, if only temporarily during these modifications.

But does this affect SEO? Yes and no. In the case of users sent to a destination that no longer exists, Google will consider this as a 404 error. Beyond the negative user experience, it is not directly a SEO factor. Be careful, however, of the presence of backlinks and too many 404 errors. A low TTL thus makes it possible to limit the impact during these modifications.
Does the change in the DNS level affect natural referencing

2. Change DNS declared for a domain name

A domain name is associated with name servers (NS / Name Servers) that allow good DNS resolution. The DNS service comes to find information on these NS. These NSs can be changed when changing the domain name manager provider, or simply to switch from one DNS infrastructure to another. Will the name server change affect SEO?

Depending on the supplier and the chosen infrastructure, the resolution times may be shorter or shorter with a potential impact of improvement or decrease compared to the SERP (Search Engine Result Page). Indeed, the resolution time is taken into account by Google (see below).

And as for a record change, it is advisable to reduce the life of the records before modifying the name servers, so that the resolving DNS does not cache the old information.

3. DNS risk when migrating a site

This is the same principle discussed earlier. Changes to DNS configurations do not directly affect SEO, but they may result in a bad user experience. It should also play on TTL.

What are the scenarios to consider?

Change web hosting provider
Change DNS hosting provider
Moving traffic from www. to a "bare domain" (without the www.)
Moving your domain to a CDN (Content Delivery Network)

4. Changing the destination IP address

No. When editing a record pointing from one endpoint to another, the referencing is not impacted. The only (very rare) exception to this rule would be to point a domain to an endpoint that has already been identified as a junk mail server (such as the IP address of a shared server).

Be careful however to the IP address in question, one of (many) Google listing rules is that an IP address used by a website should be close to the end user.

5. Establishment of DNSSEC

DNSSEC allows to authenticate the DNS resolution via a chain of trust between the different DNS servers of this resolution. As for the HTTPS, it is an additional layer of security to put in place. As for the HTTPS, the loading time of the pages is impacted and therefore potentially the associated SEO. However, we must put things in perspective, DNSSEC is essential to the safety of browsing Internet users and it is better to put in place. Most companies offering security audits around domain names consider DNSSEC as necessary, and therefore as a rating criterion. Click on Social media Marketing Services
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Thursday, October 10, 2019

How to spread your link anchors? Represented by PPC Expert in Lahore.

We have noticed that one of the most common and harmful mistakes in SEO is the profile of SEO links (anchors) of our customers' sites. So here is an article that allows you to find the right formula and create a natural backlinks profile. Our research has shown that people following the link distribution formula (below) are in the top 10 of Google (and if their SEO on-site is also well done). PPC expertin Lahore wants to teach the people.

Web sites exceeding these rules cannot be positioned in the top 10 search results thanks to SEO. Indeed, Google is constantly working on improving its algorithms. And after each update, many websites lose their positions in the SERP (search engine results page). Most of the time, the fall is explained by an unnatural distribution of anchors of their link profile.

We spent several weeks determining the ideal formula for distributing keywords in link anchors. Our SEO study focused on all types of sites, having different positions in the Google SERPs for which we analyzed the link profiles.
How to spread your link anchors? Represented by PPC Expert in Lahore.
Add caption

What distribution of anchors of SEO links?
If your domain is and the targeted keyword to place in position 1 on Google is "web agency", then you will have to distribute your anchors in this way:

Naked URL: 45% of your anchors must be the URL of your website, without "anchor" (eg or These anchors are the safest and most natural in the eyes of Google

Brand: 30% of your links should include your brand or domain name (eg Super Site, supersite). Using the brand in your anchors is a sure way to not unbalance your SEO link profile. In Google's eyes these are the most natural anchors that someone could do on a link mentioning your brand. Warning, this security is valid only if your domain name is not an "exact match domain" (a domain name containing the exact keyword).

Generic anchor: 14% of anchors in your SEO link profile should be anchors such as "click here", "see site", "here". These anchors are natural for Google because they are historical (exact anchors were little used initially on the internet) and are used as anchors used on many sites comparators, articles ...

Optimized anchor: 6% of the anchors of your SEO link profile will have to be optimized anchors with the keyword to be positioned. However, be careful not to over optimize optimized anchors, this is the advice we can do to optimize its anchors SEO links

Anchor with partial match: 2% of your optimized anchors must contain your keyword accompanied by your brand name or secondary keywords (e.g. web agency Paris, web creation agency, web development agency ...)  Read more articles click on PPC expert in Lahore.

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

SEO Tuition Presents What is social bookmarking?

Social bookmarking ( "social bookmark", "social navigation" or "bookmarking") is a way for Internet users to store, classify, search and share their favorite links. SEO Tuition wants to teach the peoples.
In a social bookmarking system or network, users save lists of web resources that they find useful. These lists are accessible to users of a network or website. Other users with similar interests can view links by subject, category, tag, or even randomly. Apart from the Web favorites, one can find other specialized services on a particular subject (food and wine, books, videos, e-commerce, cartography ...).
The concept of online shared bookmark lists dates from April 1996 with the emergence of the site [1]. Over the next three years, this sector competed with newly arrived companies such as Backflip, BlinkList, Clip2, Hotlinks, Quiver, etc. [2], [3]. Lacking economically viable models, most of these pioneering social bookmarking sites disappeared with the bursting of the Internet bubble.

In 2005 and 2006, social bookmarking sites such as Delicious, StumbleUpon and Mister Wong became popular. Sites like Reddit, Digg, Newsvine and the new Netscape portal have applied the principle of social bookmarking to their new services. In 2005, IBM announced its intention to enter the social software market (see Article by D. Millen, J. Feinberg, B. Kerr, and Social Bookmarking in the Company, Nov. 2005).     
In a social bookmarking system, users record links to the web pages they find interesting. These link lists are then available to the public or to a particular network. Thus people with the same interests can consult them, whether by category, by name or even randomly. Some rely on a directory allowing a certain confidentiality.

All their resources are also categorized via the definition and assignment of keywords (or labels) by the users themselves (see Folksonomy). Most social bookmarking services allow users to search for bookmarks based on their association with given keywords; then rate the resources by the number of users who have them in their favorites. Many social bookmarking services have developed algorithms to link the keywords assigned to websites, this algorithm examines groups of particular keywords and their relationship with other keywords.

Growing success and competition has allowed us to develop the number of services on offer, it's not just about sharing bookmarks, but also about classifying, commenting, importing or exporting them, adding notes, reviewing them, send by email, receive automatic notifications or subscribe, add annotations, create groups or social networks. Take more information by clicking on SEOTuition.

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WHAT ARE TAGS IN HTML? Posted by PPC expert in Lahore

Whether you are a developer, a self-taught student or a computer student, do you want to know all the HTML tags? You also want to know what each tag represents. Wondering how to create your website in HTML with tags? Look no further, here you will find the solution to all your questions. You will quickly understand that there is nothing simpler than the tags and that a good control of these last ones is anyway imperative. Indeed, it is knowing all the tags in HTML, or at least a large majority of them, that you will know how to code any web page without difficulties. Do not delay and discover quickly the list of tags in HTML. But before we get to that point, let's start with a little reminder of the meaning of HTML. PPC expert in Lahore wants to teach the people.

Definition of HTML (Hypertext Markup Language)

What is HTML? Before seeing more in detail all those that will mark each of your pages according to what you need to do, let's briefly recall what is HTML (or Hypertext Markup Language in its full name). It is a computer language that allows you to write and organize a web page. It is a standardized language, allowing all developers in France and Navarre to code using common markup.

For all those who do not necessarily link, in the end, websites are nothing more or less than a set of HTML pages linked together and published at the same address. Read more Click on PPC expert in

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Monday, October 7, 2019

Small and Big Bugs Roles in Your Website Project digital marketing companies in Lahore

Small and Big Bugs: Their Roles in Your Website Project For various reasons, bugs can be found even in the code of the most experienced developer. These are errors or inaccuracies that make the operation of a website does not meet your expectations. That's why the assurance of quality control is so important: Digital marketing companies in Lahore wants to guide the people.
However, not all bugs are harmful too. Some bugs can be just small bites, almost undetectable in the work of your website. Other bugs are able to bite and nibble a significant part of your business success. Let's take a closer look at how bugs are differentiated by their importance in quality assurance practices, why they are not always obvious and what is usually done about them.
Bugs in web development: from the biggest to the smallest

1) Bugs by Gravity sually, bugs are classified according to two aspects: their severity and the priority of their correction. Severity is the degree of their negative effect on the functioning of the website. The priority is the order in which the bugs must be corrected. Let's take a closer look.
This may vary by organization or project, but the most widely accepted gradation of severity ranges from "Critical" to "Minor". Many also use an extra "Blocker" degree, which means that testing is impossible.
Critical Bugs (S1):
The bug blocks critical features or even causes the failure of a website. There is no way around this bug.
Major Bugs (S2):
The bug hampers less critical but important features and there are some ways to get around them.
Minor Bugs (S3):
The bug affects minor features and is easy to work around.
Trivial bugs (S4):
The bug does not touch any functionality but has some disadvantages.
2) Bugs by Priority
The priority of bug fixes varies this way:

High: The bug needs to be fixed as soon as possible.
Medium: The bug fix can wait a short while.
Low: Fixing the bug can wait longer.
Many quality assurance engineers also use an additional level of priority; "Immediate" For more info by digital marketing companies in Lahore.



The definition of blogging (or Blog in French) is to keep a blog, that is to say publish content (text, videos ...) on a company or on a particular theme. PPC Expert in Lahore wants to teach the people.
Originally, a blog was like a "diary" published on the internet where you could write on a particular subject.

 Note: A Vlog is close to a blog. Indeed a Vlog is a Blog in video (Video Blog). The definition of Vlog is a blog mainly made in the form of video (published on Youtube, Vimeo, Facebook ...).

 A blogger is the person who runs the blog (she can call on occasional or regular contributors).

 Now, to monetize a blog, you have to keep a blog with a target in mind (in particular, a company ...) that has a major and urgent problem that we will solve (and not on a topic, because we do not will not respond well enough to a problem to trigger a sale).
Here are the different ways to monetize a blog:
Blog Definition (blogging) - What is a Blog? 1
Blogging is an abbreviation of the term weblog (web = internet and log = journal), it concerns the use of a blog that is an online platform for individuals and professionals.

The blog also offers the possibility to insert links as well as comments in order to interact with the different visitors.
A blog can be used for personal or professional purposes, in order to attract and unite a community on the same passion on one or more specific topics. 
For an individual, the blog is an effective way to share his passion with others, to create new relationships and even build skills.
Eventually, the blog will allow its administrator to earn money through the promotion of products or services (monetization).
 For a company, the blog allows for a better SEO by attracting the interest of visitors. They will be inclined to share the information published in your article, insofar as it is relevant, attractive and of high quality.

The blog is also a solution to convert visitors into customers by conveying a strong image and publications that meet their needs (thanks to a blog you can easily become a recognized "expert" in a field).

 In the long term, the blog will help to retain these customers because this platform will offer them the opportunity to follow and comment on the various posts published, but also to capture the contact details of visitors to the website (email, chatbot, notifications via the browser ...), to either get them back on the Blog, or to offer products and services paid. Read more articles click on PPC Expert in Lahore.

Friday, October 4, 2019

Free Content Marketing Tools referred by PPC Expert in Lahore

Buzzsumo (free version available):

It allows to analyze the contents present on the web and to show which are the most shared and liked contents, whatever the domain or niche. Just type a keyword and you will discover the most shared content for the keyword you entered. In addition to displaying the number of shares, it also shows the list of the most influential people who shared the article. It's the perfect tool to find the most popular content filtered by date, content type, language and country. It also allows to see the backlinks pointing on each found content as well as the authority of the referent domain, the number of followers etc. PPC expert in Lahore wants to convey this type of knowledge to beginners.

Feedly (free)

Excellent tool that allows you to collect and play content from all your favorite blogs. You can subscribe to as many RSS feeds as you like and organize the content according to the corresponding categories. It's the easiest way to curate content from your favorite publications. You can save or share posts on your social network accounts directly from the Feedly interface. Available in Web version and Android and IOS mobile applications.

BuzzStream (14 days free trial)

Buzzstream is ideal for managing and tracking your email communication actions with influencers. It allows you to create email templates and manage communication via the tool. It's the perfect tool for those who want to effectively manage their outreach email campaigns and track results. Take more info by clicking PPC expert in Lahore
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