(free version available):
It allows to analyze
the contents present on the web and to show which are the most shared and liked
contents, whatever the domain or niche. Just type a keyword and you will
discover the most shared content for the keyword you entered. In addition to
displaying the number of shares, it also shows the list of the most influential
people who shared the article. It's the perfect tool to find the most popular
content filtered by date, content type, language and country. It also allows to
see the backlinks pointing on each found content as well as the authority of
the referent domain, the number of followers etc. PPC expert in Lahore wants to convey this type of knowledge to beginners.
Excellent tool that allows you to collect and play content
from all your favorite blogs. You can subscribe to as many RSS feeds as you
like and organize the content according to the corresponding categories. It's
the easiest way to curate content from your favorite publications. You can save
or share posts on your social network accounts directly from the Feedly
interface. Available in Web version and Android and IOS mobile applications.
(14 days free trial)
Buzzstream is ideal for managing and tracking your email
communication actions with influencers. It allows you to create email templates
and manage communication via the tool. It's the perfect tool for those who want
to effectively manage their outreach email campaigns and track results. Take
more info by clicking PPC expert in Lahore
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ReplyDeleteDigisol Hub is a Digital Marketing & Tech. Company, that provides solutions regarding website development, SEO, Social Media Marketing, Google Ads, and Graphics designing, App development, Software development, Website Development. We just want to solve the problems of the people by using the right digital marketing strategy and give them Value so that they can build their business in the Online world.