Friday, September 20, 2019

How to learn Online SEO Training

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) or Online SEO Trainng is an essential approach today to be visible on the web. Being on the front page of the search engines is the goal of any website, but to get there, the path is sometimes long and winding.

When you start in natural referencing, it is important to understand how a search engine works, to know the basics of SEO, to follow the news and to know how to master the tools to optimize the SEO of a site.

Understand how search engines work

Before embarking on a bath, it is essential to understand how a search engine works. Let's take the example of Google, which accounted for just over 90% of the search engine market share in 2019.

It should be known that search engines operate from a very precise algorithm to classify the web pages of a site within the "SERP", in other words, the pages of results of the search engine. For example, to give a page of results to the user according to his request, Google uses an algorithm based on a multitude of criteria that we will see later.

Work on SEO according to Google's algorithm and its filters

To have maximum traffic within its search engine and to offer answers to the expectations of Internet users, Google seeks to rank the best quality sites, ie sites accessible by all users, navigable on any support, and responding as much as possible to their requests. To keep only quality sites, Google has implemented two filters to decommission web pages in the search results: Google Panda and Google Penguin. Let's take a quick look at these two cases.
Understand how google works
The Google Panda filter aims to downgrade poor quality sites that do not meet Google's standards. These quality standards refer to the fundamentals that we will discuss later in this article. Another filter introduced since 2012 by Google is Google Penguin. This one has another feature than Google Panda. Indeed, this filter is mainly concerned with bad Online SEO Training practices that aim to inflate the popularity of a site via linking abusive, not meeting the standards of Google.

A search engine that evolves

Google claims to perform about 500 optimizations of its algorithm each year, which is a lot of criteria to consider, grouped into several large families that are the basics of Online SEO Training.

Let's take a concrete example: from the start, the PageRank of a site allows Google to rank the web pages of a site in the results pages. The PageRank is an index assigned to each page of a site and which is based on the analysis of the links between the web pages. How does this index work? This is very simple, the more a page has inbound links, the higher its index increases. The more the index (PR) of this page increases, the more it distributes PageRank to outgoing links. Generally, the PageRank of a site is compared to that of its home page, because it is the page that has the best index compared to the other pages of the site. If you want to know more about links, here is one of our articles about the impact of links. Today, PageRank is still relevant in the ranking criteria of web pages, but is no longer made public (what is called the PageRank Toolbar has indeed disappeared).

But new criteria now come in addition, where the user experience becomes the major goal of Google. It is therefore necessary to work UX thoroughly, and in all areas and focusing on the fundamentals of SEO! In summary, we must always train and learn to see the evolution of search engines.

Know the fundamentals of SEO

After seeing how Google works, it is essential to know the basics of SEO and the art of structuring your site through the basics of SEO and tools to use.

The pyramid of SEO

According to Google's algorithm and its expectations, we could represent the structure of a site well referenced as a pyramid. Each small block of stones well worked and arranged, would allow to build step by step one and the same set, solid and imposing. Readmore

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