Saturday, September 28, 2019

What is Netlinking? By SEO services

You do not know this essential technique for your SEO? You may know backlinks, outbound links, the term "internal mesh" or anchors? All this is the netlinking practices authorized by the Google browser, which holds the monopoly on the regularization of uses in SEO, also called SEO. If you do not know these terms, do not panic! I explain to you what netlinking is, what are good and bad practices (not tolerated by Google) and how this can help you increase your traffic, increase your position in search results and optimize SEO of your site. SEO services has a mission to teach the basic things of SEO.

 Netlinking: the art of linking your site to others
Netlinking is a technique that involves multiplying the links of your site to improve its popularity on the web, its visibility in the search results (SERP) and therefore optimize its SEO (or organic or SEO).
On Internet distinguishes in this practice netlinking internal and external to your site, "White hat" and "Black hat", the incoming links (backlinks) and outgoing on your pages, as well as links between the pages of your site, that we calls the "internal mesh" and the anchors. I will explain all of this below in more detail.
Netlinking is a practice especially recommended when creating your site to launch its referencing and tell Google robots that will go through for the first time: "Look, my site is new but it is already popular." It is also very used for a multisite strategy.
What does it mean "a popular site"? In high school, if you are popular, it means that many people appreciate you, talk about you, so that other people will also talk about you and in the end you will be the best known person in the school!
For netlinking it's the same thing. Your site is appreciated, so we talk about it by creating links to your site. The more people who create links to your site, the more Google knows that your site is relevant to users' searches (called "queries") and appreciated by its visitors. For More basic information click here.

1 comment:

  1. DigisolHub UK
    Digisol Hub is a Digital Marketing & Tech. Company, that provides solutions regarding website development, SEO, Social Media Marketing, Google Ads, and Graphics designing, App development, Software development, Website Development. We just want to solve the problems of the people by using the right digital marketing strategy and give them Value so that they can build their business in the Online world.
